Australia English History




Australian English began to diverge from British English soon after the foundation of the colony of New South Wales (NSW) in 1788. The settlement was intended mainly as a penal colony. The British convicts sent to Australia were mostly from large English cities, such as Cockneys from London. Amongst the original immigrants there were also many free settlers, military personnel and administrators and their families. In 1827, Peter Cunningham, in his book Two Years in New South Wales, reported that native-born white Australians spoke with a distinctive accent and vocabulary, albeit with a strong Cockney influence. (The transportation of convicts to Australian colonies ended in 1868, but immigration of free settlers from Britain continued unabated.)

1.diverge vi 脫離,分離;
2. colony n 殖民地,僑民;
3. convict vt 證明。。有罪的,宣告。。有罪的 n 罪犯
4. mostly adv 主要的,大部分,通常;
5.military adj 軍事的,軍用的 military personnel 軍事方面的職員;
6. administrator n 管理人,行政官;
7.distinctive adj. 與眾不同的,由特色的.
8.albeit conj 雖然;
9.unabated adj. 不衰退的, 不減弱的

(在這一部分中,重點提到的是澳洲英語出現的歷史性原因,大家都知道,澳洲的本土人,即原族是土著人。起初,澳洲是被用作隔離罪犯的地方,因此現在生活在澳洲的,大部分是那些罪犯的后裔。。呵呵。。總覺著,有一種怪怪的感覺哈。當時,主要是將新南威爾士州定為基地。于是,這里的口音和詞匯屬于是獨具特色的澳洲lundon音。^_^ 到1868年的時候,英國開始停止發放罪犯到這里,但是還是又很多人從英國移民到澳洲生活。)
The first Australian gold rushes in the 1850s resulted in a much larger wave of immigration that also had a significant influence on Australian English. At the time, Great Britain and Ireland were experiencing major economic hardship and about two per cent of their combined populations emigrated to NSW and the Colony of Victoria during the 1850s.[2] At the same time, large numbers of people who spoke English as a second language were also arriving.

The "Americanisation" of Australian English — signified by the borrowing of words, spellings, terms, and usages from North American English — began during the goldrushes, and was accelerated by a massive influx of United States military personnel during World War II. Since the 1950s, there has been an increasing availability and importation of mass media content written in US English, such as books and magazines, television programs, computer software and the world wide web; this has also had an effect. As a result Australians use many British and American words interchangeably, such as "pants"/"trousers" and "lift"/"elevator".

Due to their shared history and geographical proximity, Australian English is most similar to New Zealand English. However, the difference between the two spoken versions is obvious to people from either country, if not to a casual observer from a third country (as with Canadian and US English). The vocabulary used also exhibits some striking differences.

1.proximity n 接近,親近;
2.version n 譯文,版本;
3.obvious adj. 明顯的,顯而易見的; n 觀察者,觀察員;
5.exhibit vt 展出,陳列;n 展覽品,陳列品 v 展示;
6.striking adj. 打擊的,顯著的,驚人的


PS:今天,April 25 周三,我們竟然有假休。。嘿嘿,開心ing.據說是日本人當時在這一天侵略過他們(不曉得,是一當地人講的),所以今天是公共假期。而許多LOCAL 會選擇喝酒來打發時間,酒后可能會失手打亞洲人。。怕怕,所以好多人要我們這天不要出門,免得事后找不到辦法解決。 嘿嘿,這個就當大家的飯后小點心好了,只供娛樂,其真實性我得回來在多方打聽一下下了。^_^




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