
Don't Be a Stalker Candidate in Your Job Search! - recruitment agencies

You've submitted your resume, aced the phone interview with the hiring manager and were told that you would be invited in for a jobinterview...or better yet, you've already interviewed and are waiting for the results. Days go by without any more communication about your nest steps.
You were told by your college counselor that you need to follow up, but how often should you call or email? Is five times per day too much? Well...YES. Believe it or not, there is an unwritten etiquette for how often you should follow up with the hiring company.
Whether you're dealing with the Corporate Recruiter or the Hiring Manager, you want answers without getting the run around and without seeming like a stalker. Here is my advice for handling each.
Corporate Recruiter
The Corporate Recruiter is often the first person you come into contact with during your application process.Usually they will have reviewed your resume, discussed your background with the hiring manager and is tasked with scheduling you for a phone interview or the in-person interview.

If you have not yet spoken with the hiring manager, then you will need to keep all of your communication between yourself and the recruiter. They are your gateway to the hiring manager, so treat them with respect. It is acceptable to send an email andspeak with therecruiter live once per day while you are in the waiting mode. If they instruct you on how to follow up, then by all means, follow their instructions! You may also leave one voicemail for the recruiter each day (if you don't reach them live on the phone). If you have already left a voicemail, do not leave another one that day. You may continue to call until you reach them live, in which case you can say that you're following up on the voicemail you left earlier in the day. But don't leave another message. Understand that the recruiter is somewhat at the mercy of the hiring manager. If the hiring manager has not responded to their inquiry about the next steps, then they may not have much to tell you. Simply let them know you're checking in and that you're still very interested in the position. Be courteous and kind to your recruiter. While they are a key player in your job search, they are still just a liaison between you and the hiring manager. The hiring manager is the one who determines the next steps, so don't blame the recruiter if things stall. If you have already been introduced to the hiring manager, then let the recruiter know that you are also following up with that person.

Hiring Manager
If you've already spoken with the hiring manager, then it is acceptable that you follow with him/her.

Keep in mind that you are now communicating with someone who could end up being your boss, so consider it building rapport. Follow the same guidelines as laid out for following up with the recruiter, however, limit the frequency to every other day. If you want to think of a legitimate reason for your phone call, it could be to ask a question which occurred to you after your last may say something like "I thought some more about your use of C++ coding and wanted to ask you how you apply it in this circumstance..." or something relevant to your conversation. Don't, however, call every day with a different question or suggestion. Be honest that you are following up and would like to know if there is an update. It's also ok to ask them if there is anything else they would like from you in order to move forward.
A couple more tips... Repeat after me..."considerate persistence is good; stalking your future employment is bad"! Don't let your frustration with their process show. Think of this as a test thatto proveyou can handle the pressure of the unknown as many companies operate under much ambiguity. Show them you can handle it! Know when to walk may NEVER hear back from this employer. While I don't agree with leaving a candidate hanging like that, some recruiters or hiring managers still do it. Look at it as a gift from the Universe - you wouldn't want to work with people like that anyway, would you?

Throughout your job search, the art of following up is key. Whether it's before or after an interview, let the employer know that you are interested and show that you can be professional. Knowing the difference between good follow up skills and being a stalker could be the key to your success.

Claudia Loens is a successful recruiter with over 20 years of experience. She offers her expertise and insider secrets in a book to help you find your perfect job. Learn how to maximize modern job search techniques and the Law of Attraction to get that job now at



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